Your car is more than just a means of getting from Point A to Point B. Ask anyone who’s driven themselves around for more than a year, and they’ll agree—for some, it’s a trusty steed that has gotten you to important meetings in the nick of time. It’s a travel buddy that’s taken you out of the city towards pristine beaches and remote mountains. It’s your protection from harm when you leave home and head out into the wild world.

In short, it’s your companion not just on the road, but in these moments and milestones. That said, there are times your current ride may not be up to speed with where you are in life today. It could just be time for you to upgrade.

The decision goes beyond just looking at your car: it’s also about looking at yourself and the options you have around you. Here are questions you should be asking yourself

Your ride should make sense in the way you live. You could, for example, be at a chapter of your life where you plan to start a family. Upgrading to a car with a lot more space would be the logical choice here—especially true if you and your partner plan to have kids bouncing around in the backseat.

Beyond family, it’s important to also look at where you are in the ladder we call a career. Do you have a new business in the works? You may be looking for more cargo space to transport inventory. If your latest promotion requires you to meet with clients all over the city or travel by land outside Metro Manila, then a car made for better mileage and lighter fuel consumption is the best match for you.

Upgrading doesn’t always mean upsizing. Perhaps you’ve moved to a busier district or to a building with tighter parking spaces—in which case a sedan would be able to negotiate them better than an SUV.

Consider what you actually need out of a vehicle from here on out—because you need a ride that can help take you to the life goals you’ve set for yourself.

Chances are, you aren’t in the same place you were when you bought your current car. Anything can change within months, let alone years. You might have found a better place to live, gotten married, or had a big boom in business. With all these upgrades in your life, has the car you need gotten closer within your reach without you noticing?

Beyond looking at just the numbers in your investments and savings, it pays to keep an eye out for smart options that make upgrading your ride easier. Take, for instance, the Toyota Balloon Payment Plus, a financing option that doesn’t just have lighter monthly payments and easy end-of-loan term options — it also gets you periodic maintenance for the whole finance term, three years of which are free and covered by Toyota.

The Toyota Balloon Payment Plus program covers durable and reliable models like the Toyota Rush, Corolla Cross, Fortuner, Hilux, and Innova — a varied selection tailored to fit any and every lifestyle, whether you’re shuttling kids to school or meeting your next client outside the city.

Regardless of the lifestyle you lead now, the Balloon Payment Plus program also meets you where you are in terms of your finances. The program gives you the flexibility to decide your initial payment, the length of your payment term, and your end-of-loan term options. By maximizing your down payment and lump sum, your monthly payments get lighter. It even takes into account if you want to trade in your current Toyota vehicle at your dealership.

With smart options like these, you can take the plunge with confidence and reap the glorious benefits of owning a shiny new vehicle: from that addicting new car scent and the worry-free driving that comes with having a ride you know can take you exactly where you need to go be it in location or in life.

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